Tag: productivity

  • Best Plug-In You Can Use To Change Your Life

    Best Plug-In You Can Use To Change Your Life

    My core life & business systems revolve around one program more than any other: Obsidian.md.

    I’ve gone into excruciating detail about why I love it so much, but this is focused on helping you see exactly how I use it to shape my habits (and rest of my life since your whole life is nothing but the result of your habits).

    The best strategies work with the fundamental principles that affect the system at play, and that’s why this plug-in is so good.

    It helps me translate random numbers & data points into visual charts that I can understand WAY faster than if I was only looking at numbers.

    Now, I can have my data spread out in my personal notes, and this plug-in will do all the hard work of 1) finding it & 2) making sense out of it for me.


    That’s why I highly recommend you give this video a watch all the way through if you’re even halfway interested in making big changes in your life.

  • Obsidian Folders Links & Tags

    Obsidian Folders Links & Tags

    Obsidian is fantastic for organizing your thoughts, but it’s so flexible that it can be tough to figure out where to start.

    This is my introduction to how I use folders, links, and tags with suggestions for you on how to get the most out of it with the least amount of headaches.

  • Markdown For Obsidian Beginners

    Markdown For Obsidian Beginners

    Back in the day (the late 90’s when I was hand coding websites) you’d need to know HTML in order to make your website look the way you wanted it to.

    If you wanted

    A Heading Like This

    Then you needed to add an H2 tag that enclosed your text.

    If that sentence makes no sense to you, then you’re going to love Markdown.

    It’s a lightweight way of formatting your text even when you’re using a simple text editor like NotePad.

    Armed with a few simple tricks, you can take awesome notes that stay organized.

    There are more reasons to learn Markdown than pretty notes, but it’s a great place to start.

    In future videos I’ll explore other things that you can do with it in Obsidian.

  • Obsidian Graph View

    Obsidian Graph View

    Looks like I’m creating a whole series about Obsidian. Have questions? Want to know more? Let me know, and I’ll make a video about it.

  • Obsidian Tutorial

    Obsidian Tutorial

    This program is beautifully simple and that makes it incredibly powerful.

    There’s a lot you can do with it, but there’s really very little you must know before you’re building one of the most valuable resources in your life: an easily searchable database of things you care about.

    Obsidian.md is a must-have for anyone who makes anything.