Tag: promotion

  • The Booth Crew

    The Booth Crew

    I have three jobs to do at trade shows:

    1. Attract people
    2. Edutain them
    3. Qualify them as a lead

    In order to get those done, I work with my client in the couple months leading up to a trade show.

    I chat with the marketing team to figure out the two or three things that they want to focus on communicating.

    Then I talk with some of the sales team to understand what concerns they see from their clients most often, and how they help address them.

    After I can think & speak about their company like my clients can, I get to work choosing demonstrations that dovetail perfectly with the messaging.

    That’s when I also write out a custom script that weaves in the marketing messages along with laughs. Together it makes for an experience that nobody else on the trade show floor can even come close to matching.

    That’s why I had at least a dozen people ask if I can help them out at their next trade show.

    Why, yes I can!

    Best thoughts,