When it comes to making big moves there are usually two camps:
Tell everyone and speak it into existence.
Tell nobody and move in silence. Fall like lightning.
In this video I talk about the pros & cons of each of these approaches, and share a secret third path that I don’t see many people talk about.
Watch this video if you want to avoid making huge mistakes as well as other freelance tips for beginners (and freelancing experts too; you might learn something!)
00:00 Make Big Moves 00:22 General Idea 01:00 Approach #1 07:43 Approach #2 10:23 Secret Approach #3 12:49 Invitation
Then, there’s a flurry of activity for a couple hours. I’m talking with dozens & dozens of people from all walks of life dealing with all sorts of questions.
Then, at the end of the gig, it’s time to go right back into isolation for the trek home.
Such a bizarre whiplash of extremes. Solitary confinement juxtaposed with being shoved into an overcrowded bus.
I wanted to get that feeling across in video form, so I took the opportunity to make this video from a recent gig I did at Guilford College.
There’s not a lot of talking; it’s all about vibe.
Hope you enjoy!
Oh! I almost forgot. The music is from a Twitter friend of mine; check him out on Spotify: THISISGRAME
I wanna talk about a meme that one of my friends shared on Twitter, made me laugh and I had to make this article.
“gifted child”
My background, I’ve traveled the world as a public speaker, as an entertainer, working with some of the world’s largest companies and corporations.
This photo back here is me on stage in one of the most beautiful performing venues on the planet, and I make these videos to share my journey along the way.
The Meme
Which brings me to this meme.
Back when I was a kid a long, long time ago, I was on an academically gifted course track.
I got taken out of class to go do special stuff, and when you’re a kid and people are so proud of you for being smart, you start getting reinforced for being smart and thinking “Oh wow. Look at how easy things were for me. Look at how quickly I did that. I’m so smart. I’m amazing.”
And you start seeing the world through that lens.
“I’m somebody who’s smart and things are easy for me.”
Then, if anything feels like it might be difficult, well then that would mean I’m not smart, so I’m not gonna do that thing.
And you start to avoid anything that feels like hard work, because also, well, if I try something that’s hard, I’m probably going to fail at it, and then that doesn’t look very smart, so that will threaten the way that I see myself and how I know to get positive reinforcement from people.
So I’m not even going to try anything that takes effort.
Well, I hate to tell you: all the best stuff in life takes effort.
What Happens
Very quickly you sandbag yourself into never developing skills that will help you accomplish everything that you’re looking for. To me, that’s one of the biggest traps of being a smart kid.
You identify as that smart kid until you run into that wall of going, “Oh wow, this life thing is not easy. Maybe I’m not as smart as I thought I was. I’m a fraud.”
But you still can’t let go of that “Well, everything’s easy for me” identity. Ironically, holding onto that is what keeps you trapped in the cycle of never trying anything that is difficult, which is why the payoff of I love memes is really funny to me, is how simple it is.
Genuinely Clever
But also on the flip side, memes are incredibly, incredibly, clever and they communicate a lot in a very short amount of time. So if you dive deep enough into it, memes are one of the smartest ways to spend your time.
So in some ways, I haven’t learned a thing.
I’m still that same kid who’s scared of looking silly in public, which is why I make these articles.
But yeah, that was really all I wanted to share. This made me chuckle and I thought you might enjoy it as well. That’s it for this post.
Yes. Hello. You are here. I am so glad to see you.
In this video we are going to go over the four secrets of star power likability & self confidence so that you can make friends anywhere and everywhere that you go.
00:00 4 Secrets Of “Star Power” Likability 01:01 First Secret 02:38 Second Secret 04:20 Third Secret 06:15 Fourth Secret 08:02 Conclusion
No matter what round of funding you’re looking for, there’s something that’s just as important as the facts & figures of your business: the trust between you and your investors.
Medium is the Message
Digital communications are phenomenal. It allows us to connect with anyone anywhere in the world at any time. We can fire off an email at 1am from our hotel room, and then get a reply 20 minutes later from someone suffering from equal parts insomnia & “inbox-itis.”
A wonderful talk on the importance of not ignoring the human element from decisionmaking.
“Silver Bullet Thinking”
This is a term she used which piqued my interest. It’s usually those who think they can find a silver bullet that are most affected by them.
“Oracles never stand alone”
To gain insights, companies should never rely solely on data points; that information is ignoring the human element from its meaning. That’s where the role of the oracle’s team comes in. An oracle can look into the messy information, and their support team can conduct interviews to interpret the oracle’s intuitions.
That’s what makes what I do so powerful; I’m an “information oracle” of sorts.
What does your future hold? Let’s talk!