Tag: sad

  • Trapped In The Mirror Dimension

    Trapped In The Mirror Dimension

    Your thoughts aren’t real.

    You might feel that statement is so painfully obvious that it doesn’t need saying. Before you click away, let me explain why the problems you’re having right now are a direct result of you believing they are.
    Trust me, I’m a mind reader. I know what I’m talking about.
    Have you ever been mad at yourself for being mad? Are you depressed that you’re depressed all the time? Are you anxious about being anxious? What the hell is going on?
    This kind of meta-worry is a byproduct of our incredible ability to think. Thinking is an abstract process in a dimension that’s not real.
    It’s like looking at a mirror.
    You can see it. It’s right there. Every detail is reflected perfectly for you to see. But, when you reach out to touch it, and all you feel is the smooth glass surface.
    Same goes with your thoughts. You can see them. You know they’re there. But you can never touch them.
    When we reflect on our problems, we’re holding a mirror up to a mirror. The result is an infinite tunnel of reflections. Each image is another abstracted reflection of a reflection of a reflection and so on down the rabbit hole forever.
    This is exactly what’s happening in your mind when you worry about worrying. Or get sad about being sad.

    How Do You Escape?

    When you’re trapped in a mirror dimension, everything is backwards.
    When you’re trapped in your mind, the solution is almost always the opposite of what you think you should do.
    This why your pursuit of happiness is making you miserable. This is why chasing wealth is making your poor. This is why your need for acceptance is making you lonely. This is why your pursuit of achieving enlightenment is just making you miserable.
    Seems like the faster you run towards happiness, the faster you become miserable.
    You’re trapped in a way of thinking that is completely backwards. You’re inside the mirror.
    The only way out is to see your thoughts for what they are: abstract non-entities. They’re conjured apparitions without weight or form.

    Your thoughts aren’t real.

    You believe they’re real, so you take action in the physical world that leads to the complete opposite effect than you intended.

    Your continued refusal to accept this fact is the direct result of you believing your thoughts are more real than the world you live in.

    The harder you fight reality, the more pain you experience from your delusions. That’s why the sages throughout history have said that your reality is simply a mirror of your inner state. You eventually realize you’re the one hitting yourself. You don’t see the world as it is, you see the world as you are.

  • Asshole Audit

    Asshole Audit

    One of the best things about my life, right now, is having the ability to pick who I get to spend it with. It wasn’t always that way, though.
    I used to be miserable & stressed out all the time. Then I figured it out; I was surrounded by assholes.
    I’m embarrassed by how long it took to put it all together, but I finally recognized the signs had been there the whole time. That’s when I came up with the idea of an “asshole audit.”
    Try it yourself. How many of these situations ring a bell with you?

    • Are you more bummed after hanging out with someone than you were before?
    • Does the thought of spending time with this person make you anxious?
    • Is there someone who’s a contrarian, and always arguing with you?
    • Do you get put down, ridiculed, or made fun of instead of being supported?
    • Do your friends interfere with fantastic opportunities you’ve created for yourself?
    • When you tell your friends about your success, do they turn it into a competition?
    • Are you spending all of your time listening to their problems but they have no time for yours?
    • Are they drama queens? Is everything a “disaster?
    • Are they always telling you what you should do without asking you if you want to hear their input?
    • Are they telling you what you should do even though their own life is in shambles? (Are you acting on that advice?)

    I’ve been through it all. Whether it was a personal relationship, (or professional) I’ve seen every single one of these first-hand.
    I thought I was depressed. I thought I was never going to be successful. I thought I was a colossal failure.
    Turns out I was just surrounded by assholes.
    Now I’m constantly going through the behavior audit process, and I can choose how much time I want to spend with them (which is none).
    Make a huge change in your life, and only be around people who are on the flip side of the coin. They should encourage you, not interfere with your business without asking, support you, make you feel energized & able to accomplish anything.
    Final note: If you see yourself in those questions, you’re the asshole. It’s time to change how you’re living. You are worth self respect.