Tag: systems

  • How To Have A Personal Database Across Devices And How To Encrypt It

    How To Have A Personal Database Across Devices And How To Encrypt It

    Obsidian is one of my favorite programs that I use every single day. It helps me keep track of my to-dos, my ideas, things I read, stuff I learn, and everything else goes in my own “digital journal / database.”

    The biggest challenge I had with it?

    All the files live on my computer, which is great until I want to write a note on my other computer.

    We’re so used to using “the cloud” that we assume that it’s ‘just baked in.’ But, when you truly own the data, that’s a problem you get to solve.

    And this is the way I solve it.

    Additionally, I wanted my information to be more secure than just sitting on my harddrive. I have bank accounts, passwords, and all sorts of juicy information in my database. So, how do I keep it safe?

    Encrypt the whole damn thing!

    So, in the video I explain how I:

    1. Made my own personal cloud that I can use on all my devices without using anyone else’s computers.
    2. Encrypt the whole thing so it’s secure regardless of what device I use to see the database.

    The meta-lesson is how to find solutions that work for you even if it takes a little bit of effort.

    If you want to be the first to know about new videos & ideas like this, then I invite you to join my 6-days-a-week email list where I share tips, tricks, and advanced strategies for building your own personal empire.

  • Life Mastery Business Insights From An Unlikely Source: Early 1900 Psychics

    Life Mastery Business Insights From An Unlikely Source: Early 1900 Psychics

    I recorded this video while sitting on the floor in the Amsterdam airport. It was the middle of the day but my body & mind thought it was 3am.

    Combine that with random people walking by and giving me thumbs up (which you’ll notice when I look up and nod) and you’ll have a pretty good idea of how strange it was to make this video.

    But the info is still solid.

    What [ethical secrets] can we learn from psychics who made a ton of money in the great depression?

    Let me tell you!

  • Remember Anything

    Remember Anything

    “Hi there! Great to meet you!” I said as I shook her hand.
    “We met 6 months ago.”
    Guess how well the rest of the meeting went?
    It’s incredible what having a poor memory can cost you. The weird thing is, you rarely find out what forgetting something will cost you. In the example I just shared, though, it cost me thousands of dollars.
    What has having a poor memory wound up costing you over the years? What would you stand to get from even a small improvement in your memory?
    I want to share a couple techniques I’ve used to sharpen my memory that you can use right away.


    It’s a myth that having a good memory is something you either have or don’t. Like most things, it’s a skill you can practice.
    Most people, however, hold the belief that “I have a crappy memory.” And then they wonder why they can never remember anything. Your non-conscious part of your mind believes what you tell it, and if you tell it you have a subpar memory, then guess what? That’s what you’ll get.
    The first step in improving your memory is simply telling yourself your memory is getting better.


    How can you remember something you never noticed in the first place? You can’t.
    Once you tell yourself your memory is getting better, you’ll start paying attention to details you want to remember.
    Think about meeting someone for the first time. You’re worried about what you’re going to say, what they think of you, whether or not they’re going to invest in your company, etc. Everything but focusing on paying attention to what their name is.
    No wonder you’re going to forget it as soon as you hear it; you never really heard it in the first place.
    Stop that “in one ear and out the other” process by shutting down the mental chatter and really notice details.
    Do this and you’ll be ahead of 90% of everyone else.


    Want to take your memory to the level beyond paying attention? You’re going to need a system.
    We tend to remember things that are in some way related to information we already know. That’s why it’s easy to remember someone’s name if it’s the same as our brother, for example. We learn things by associating them in relationship to what we know already.
    If you have no way of relating to a new piece of information, there’s nothing for it to connect to, and you’re much more likely to forget it.
    What you need is a system that allows you to establish associations with any kind of new information.
    Here’s a system that works for me. There are many systems out there, but this is a great place to start.


    This works best on lists of information, like a grocery list.
    Our minds recall interesting imagery more easily than logical or bland images. Let’s use that to our advantage.
    Look at the first & second item on the list, and then create a compelling image in your mind that includes both items. Go to the extremes. Either in terms of number, amount, size, violence, etc. The more unusual picture in your mind, the more likely you are to remember it later.
    Once you have that image firmly in your mind, drop it completely. It’ll be there when you get back, I promise.
    Now, look at the second & third item on the list. Do the same process of “linking” those two items.
    Continue like this until you’ve associated all items on the list.
    Now, when you think of the first thing, it will bring up the image with item 1 & 2. Then the second item will prompt the image with item 2 & 3. Third item prompts the link between 3 & 4, and so on until you’ve remembered the whole list.
    It’s surprising at how simple it is, but it works.


    The main issue with this technique is if you forget one link in the chain, you’ll forget everything beyond it.
    Also, it won’t let you recall details in non-sequential order. If you need item #19, you gotta start at the beginning.


    If you find success with linking, I’d love to know! Shoot me a message via our contact form, or drop me a note on Facebook. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Further Reading

    If you’re interested in exploring memory techniques in more detail (or other systems that are best suited for your needs,) check out my book “Perfect Recall” available at Amazon.
    I go into the history of memory techniques, advanced techniques, and more. It’s aimed at people who are looking to sharpen their memory without wasting hours and hours on archaic techniques that don’t work.
    It starts of with the basics, and moves on from there.