Last week we talked about keeping “white space for your mind” (thanks for putting it that way, Valerie!), and this video is an extension of that idea.
But it’s a huge company like Nintendo.
They have a mind-bending new game coming out soon and it looks increeeeeeedible.
How did a company known for A+ games make something that’s even better than normal?
They had a unique approach to this one, and I wanted to make a video about it: here it is.
What do you think? Do you take time to make it good? Or do you make it ‘good enough’?
(I’ve done both, myself.)
Best thoughts,
PS: If you give it a watch, it would do me a huge solid if you gave it a like too. That “engagement” lets YouTube know that the people who watch it enjoy it enough to take action so it should probably show it to more people. These early likes mean a lot to get it outside my orbit of usual watchers. 🙏