This is me with the world’s best metal bender, Alain Nu.
He’s also known as “The Man Who Knows.”
(Which is a callback to Alexander, for all you Mentalism nerds out there.)

I took the whole crew out to his show at the Notoriety Theater in Vegas and it was a delight for me to hear their conversations & theories about what they saw.

On stage he’s warm, personable, and always has a glint in his eye as he shares random shower thoughts with the audience.
Off stage he’s warm, personable, and always has a glint in his eye as he shares random factoids with you.
He’s a monster in the Mentalism world and this was the first time I’ve gotten to see his whole show even though we’ve known each other for years.
It’s such a great show and he uses his space in delightful ways.
Example: one of his spotlights is too narrow and aimed low (on purpose) so he has to crouch down to fit into it.
What a delightful little detail, and his show is full of ’em.
It’s those kinds of things that separate the big players from the wanna-be’s of the world.
If you ever have the chance to see Alain work in person, make it happen; whatever it takes.
Best thoughts,