There was a guy who always makes his secret family recipe. It’s for a roast, and he always cuts the ends off & throws them away before putting it into the pan.
After a couple years his wife asks him why he does that.
“You know, I don’t know; that’s how I learned it. We’ve always done it that way. I’ll ask my mom.”
He calls her up.
“Oh, that? We had a small pan and the roast wouldn’t fit. Now you don’t need to do that.”
End Scene
What’s the lesson?
“We’ve always done it that way” is responsible for so much waste & missed opportunities that we never question.
Have you seen something like that in your own life or career? I’d love to hear your story. I like collecting examples of that. Hit me with a reply and tell me your story!
Best thoughts,
PS: Tomorrow’s video focuses on a huge “we’ve always done it that way” that costs companies millions of dollars in lost business & almost nobody in the industry realizes it.
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