Here’s my conviction: 99% of people on planet Earth want to do the right thing.
They don’t want to lie. They don’t want to cheat. They don’t want to steal.
And on down the list of the 10 commandments we could go.
At least with the biggies. . .
And what in the world does that have to do with self promotion?
If you are uncomfortable telling the world how you make the world a better place, I’m willing to bet $20 that you aren’t convinced that you actually do make the world a better place.
I think that’s the heart of it.
And the follow-up to that is that most people who think less of the people who do put their name out there & put themselves into the limelight “must feel the same way as me, and yet they’re still promoting themselves, so they are clearly lying & stealing from people under false pretenses. That means they’re a bad person.“
Pretty tough, right?
This is such a common belief and a common projection onto other people.
And it’s a powerful example of how unexamined beliefs can directly affect the trajectory of your whole [personal & professional] life.
Is this you? What do you think? Have you seen this play out?
I’d love to hear your story.
Best thoughts,