Tools That Work The Way You Work



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“How many new customers am I going to get from this campaign?”

It’s a reasonable enough question.

Business is all about that ROI (return on investment) afterall.

But, dang is it a tough one to answer.

Not just because it’s tough to know what people are going to do. It’s also because there are a LOT of steps between setting up the campaign & someone buying what you sell.

And a lot of math.

Like. Weird math.

Conversion percentages of conversion percentages kind of stuff.


If you’ve known me longer than a day you probably know I’m a visual thinker, and that’s why using a calculator by itself to do all this is a nightmare.

Fortunately I found a plugin for Obsidian that allows me to set up all kinds of weird math like it’s a weird word problem. When I can do that, I can see all the elements & all the steps all at once.

That helps me from getting lost when I’m trying to calculate the ROI on a PPC campaign or the Profit/Loss statement of my next public mind reading show.

The point being; find tools that work the way you think and suddenly it’s a LOT easier to find the answers you’re looking for.

And that’s why I made this week’s video!

Best thoughts,

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