Waiting to launch does this to your project



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It guarantees failure.

And that’s why I wanted to show you an example of a project doing it right.

Before we dig into that, I want to take a moment to explain the problem I’m talking about (and you might recognize yourself).

Most solopreneurs, company founders, and new-to-communication people tend to believe “I’m going to launch my product / project and it’ll be a huge success!”

They work in secret. They don’t want to ruin the “momentum” that they’ll get by announcing Their Big Idea™ to the world.

Unfortunately, they launch to NOBODY because that’s exactly who they told about the project through the months & years of work they put into creating it.

The huge influx of dollars they were expecting from “all those sales we’ll get” doesn’t come through.

They shut down & move onto something else.

I can’t tell you how many projects are ruined by the founder / creator believing that they have to wait before marketing.

That’s why I wanted to highlight this project.

They’re running Facebook ads for you to sign up to be notified when their Kickstarter goes live.

Not only that, they want you to pay $1 to get hologram foil cards that will be a $20 add-on when the campaign goes live.

What they’re really doing, however, is asking for a small investment ($1) in exchange of a larger payday (saving $19!) in order for you to spend more money later when the campaign goes live (which you WILL do because you’re already a person sees themself as a person who buys from this creater BECAUSE YOU ARE A PERSON WHO BUYS FROM THEM).

It’s an incredible example of applied psychology in motion.

They’re hijacking your own self interest to create a psychological dynamic where you have to back the Kickstarter in order to maintain a congruent self image.


Now, imagine if these guys waited to push “go” on their Facebook ads on the same day as their Kickstarter goes live.

Do you think they would do better than this current strategy will do for them?

Interested to hear your thoughts about this one. . .

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “Launch before you create” Pritchard

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