What Does It Look Like To Hang Out With The Smartest People You’ve Ever Met

I don’t mean that lightly, either.

My mentor was a MacArthur Genius grant recipient. Lots of my friends are scientists & research fellows.

And last week I got to hang out with people who are pound-for-pound the smartest people on the planet.


Because they can recognize the root of massive problems & have the audacity to do something about it (all).

They’re working on solutions that dwarf even the most ambitious “web3.0” companies you’ll hear about.

Those cute ‘cutting edge’ projects address a tiny sliver of the problem and that’s why they’re going to fail: they can’t win without fixing everything.

And there’s one project that is wild enough to take on that challenge.

That’s what the conference is dedicated to talking about, and it’s what I wanted to share in this week’s video.

Give it a watch to find out why people decided to meet in the middle of nowhere (Cheyenne Wyoming, sorry ~mister-todteg) & why they work on this open source project called Urbit.

Best thoughts,