What does it take for you to believe in yourself?

You have a dream. A goal. Something you want to do, but you just don’t think it’s possible.

What if you already had all the skills, resources, opportunity, and time that you needed.

What then?

Some people fall into “genius” territory. They see someone else do exactly what they want to do and think, “Well, if they can do it; I can do it!” And off they go.

That’s it. They just needed to see that it was possible, and that gave them permission to believe in themselves.

Then there are more people who see someone else do it, and think they *might* be able to do the same thing. Then they work hard, make it happen, and they become a true believe in themselves. “I did it! Let’s do it again, now that I know how!!!”

They needed to see themselves do the thing before they could see themselves as “Someone Who Does [The Thing].”

Then there are the majority of people. They see someone else do it. Then they try it. They do the thing. And yet, they still don’t believe they’re the kind of person Who Does [The Thing].


These people need to see it again and again over time before their mind can catch up to the reality that they are more than someone who can accomplish big goals; they’ve been that way for a long time already!

So for you. Which is it?

Do you need to prove it again and again before you can allow yourself the luxury of believing in yourself?

What do you do about that?

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan Pritchard