What’s Going On?



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There are about a bazillion irons in a variety of bon fires, so I wanted to keep you in the loop in case any of these sound interesting to you.


I’m currently writing several books.

One is the first book in a four book series that explains my sales system in exacting detail. It is based on the psychological principles I use on stage as a mentalist. It’s a combination of advanced communication & listening skills with a dash of information theory to help you land large deals in less time. I taught this system to a marketing agency and they increased their average order value by 10% AND they increased their top line revenue by 20% with 20% fewer sales people. This stuff works. Oh, and it has a mind reading trick in it, too. So I’m writing four mini books that will be released as they are finished, and then together as a 400+ page compendium when they’re all done.

The next book is all about trade shows. It explains exactly what you need to be doing in the 16 weeks leading up to the conference. It helps you get ultra clear about what to focus on, who needs to do what, know how to anticipate success, and more. This will rewrite the entire trade show industry, and that’s zero hyperbole.

The other book I’m writing is an exhaustive look at influence. The good, the bad, the ugly, the effective, and the counter-productive. We’ll be covering personal dynamics as well as mass media & news, too. The mission is to equip you to identify malicious influence as early as possible so you can protect yourself as thoroughly as possible. This will help millions of people and I’m so excited to share it when its done.


But, if you’d like to get a head start on it, I’ve put together a video course explaining all the ideas I want to cover. It’s focused on helping creators be more effective at pitching themselves to high-paying clients, but it’s secretly for anyone who wants to make more money the right way, and not feel like a scumbag about it.

There are more courses already live on the site, and more in the works too. My goal is to share everything I can about the mind games that trap creators, the systems you need when you’re a one-man show, and everything else it takes to make your wildest dreams a reality faster than you ever thought.

It’s all happening over here.


The Asheville Mind Reading Show has a 100% “sold out” record since October of 2023. Since it has been going so well, we’re taking it on the road! I have a couple performances lined up for Kingston TN & Knoxville TN (and maybe something in Georgia soon, too).


My wife is about 50% of the way through her pregnancy and we’re on track for a late November due date for our second daughter. Couldn’t be more stoked.

I used to play Dungeons & Dragons with my college friends, and haven’t touched it since. Then, a couple weeks ago I heard about “solo RPGs” and it blew my mind. I’ve been going down that rabbit hole and it’s a blast. It’s all the fun of exercising your imagination without waiting for your own turn. It has been a delight re-discovering this thing that brought me so much fun years ago.

Also, I’m using the solo RPG approach to generate plot points for a sci-fi character I dreamt up a long time ago. Now I can get my creative writing fix while having fun at the same time. It’s a match made in heaven. I’ll probably do a couple videos about it on my personal youtube channel.

I built a custom bookshelf by hand, and installed it in the living room. It looks fantastic, and I couldn’t be happier with it.

And I think that’s about it!

I like my emails to be focused on delivering high value insights into how you can do more with less (which I have in the books & courses I mentioned (and one I didn’t)), but this one takes you a little farther behind the curtain than usual.

Hope you enjoyed!

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