What’s the most valuable problem that help people solve?
Do the people you can help even know that they have the problem?
I’d bet not.
Isn’t that weird?
They’re walking around with huge problems that directly affect their business, their ability to get what they want, set themselves up for the future, etc.
It’s plainly obvious to you at a glance.
And they have no idea.
That’s what I’m talking about in this week’s video, and the problem I’m solving is ultra specific (and massively valuable).
One of the most valuable problems I solve is helping companies get their message out to more people at trade shows. In fact, I started a whole company around it.
But most of my clients don’t know that they could get more leads because “we’ve always brought our sales team who do a good job.”
They don’t know they could be getting 2 to 4x as much business out of their trade show & they think I’m selling hype when I tell ’em.
So, what do you do? How do you explain how you help people?
I’d love to know. Hit reply and it’ll come right to me.
Best thoughts,
PS: I’m in the early early early stages of thinking about an in-person workshop where I teach you all the ins & outs of being a better communicator with a focus on better public speaking (even if you never intend to be a pro). Would you be interested in that? Hit me back with a note if you are; it’ll help me gauge interest.