With A Little Help From Your Friends



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This week we’ve been talking about how to think about huge opportunities and the competing strategies of keeping the best for last vs starting with the best to ensure you stay in the [metaphorical & literal] competition.

Yesterday I strongly advised you to start with the best and give yourself the best shot at winning your place in another round of consideration.

But what do you do when you’ve done your best? How do you follow that up?

To put another way, “You have your whole life to make your first album, and a year to make your second.”

How do you make sure the next thing is better than your best?


Get help.

Have someone or a whole team of the world’s best helping you out.

That’s what happens on these huge talent shows. The performer does their best to get onto the show, then they call my buddy Brent to come up with the next 5 rounds of fantastic ideas that get them a million dollar payday.

So, do you have your own Brent? Do you need a Brent in your life?

We should talk.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “what’s the big idea” Pritchard

PS: That’s a picture of me with Brent from a couple years ago. Tomorrow I’m heading up to see Brent and do a show at his theater. Can’t wait!

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