Your Skills Are Fine. Your Strategy Sucks.



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You’re already amazing; you just don’t know it yet.

No, really.

Over the years of working with thousands of clients & companies & teams, there’s one constant: people are more capable than they think they are.

And it’s the “think they are” part that’s the key that unlocks everything else.

It’s not your skills that are lacking. It’s your strategies for solving your problems that’s making sure you don’t get the results you want.

Try this real-life example.

Imagine you wanted a better memory (result). So you think you need (here’s the wrong-think part again!) to practice for hours a day, repeat whatever it is that you’re trying to remember 1000x for it to stick, etc.

Well, that approach guarantees that you will not get results.

Why? Because your strategy is not lined up with how reality (and your memory) works.

I use this all the time in my speaking workshops.

I ask everyone there how long they think (there it is again) it would take them to learn how to say the alphabet backwards. Usually it’s 20+ minutes to 2 days.

And then I show them how to do it in 3 minutes. Nearly 7x faster than the fastest / most confident estimate.


My strategy for solving the problem works better. That’s all.

And if you want to prove to yourself that your mind is more capable than you’ve ever thought possible, this is where I’d recommend you start.

I have an entire video course that will teach you the alphabet trick, a party stunt you can do no matter how drunk you are, how to remember long numbers, and more.

In terms of the time & money you’re going to spend on it, you’re going to feel WAY more awesome than you have any right to be. You’ll be able to impress people at cocktail parties, you’ll give your mind something to play with, and you’ll be surprised how many times it’ll come in handy.

Try it out, and thank me later.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “mnemonic” Pritchard

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